

4 posts

Need help importing Glyps on FontForge ...

Feb 23, 2022 at 15:21

Hail all:

I made a few calligraphic alphabets, which I now want to turn into a font.

Scanned the papers in, import into Photoshop, clean up, remove background, save.
Result: clean, backgroundless glyphs.

Open FontForge.
First Letter, hop the right code, open the Outline Window, head into PS, copy single glyph, hop to FF, paste, it shows there.
But, it does NOT show in the assigned space in my raster?
Which, from what I get, SHOULD, seeing all the films on YT.
Furthermore, I cannot apply the Glyph (as per Photoshop, apply image)?

Just what am I missing, please?

Thank you.

Feb 23, 2022 at 18:49

Voici comment , je fais:

1- Je fais une image des lettres qui sera toujours la même dimension.
2- J’importe cette image dans FontForge en arrière plan.
3- je dessine les glyphs un à un avec des vecteurs.

Feb 24, 2022 at 08:09

Can't I just copy paste the cleaned, backgroundless glyphs, sir?
They DO appear in the drawing window, not in the bloody raster though ... .

Feb 24, 2022 at 16:54

Il faut importer avant de faire copier et coller.
FontForge n'est pas un logiciel natif.

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