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2 posts

One week to go before my 8th monthsary

Aug 06, 2022 at 11:22

Greetings to all font reviewers of Dafont.

The same question as what others ask. Is my font still under review or was it rejected. I mentioned my font at when I submitted it. My font might not look good but I am certain that it is technically good. My font is just a few days before it reaches its 8th monthsary in review. I am a very patient person and is willing to wait, that is if my font is still under the review process.

I hope my font will see the light very soon. I can already see the glimmer of light over the horizon.


Aug 16, 2022 at 06:08

HFF Ultrasound has seen the light!!!!
What a nice Happy 8th Monthsary present!
And it came on the exact date.
Thank you Dafont

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